The 1,340-home Latton Priory development faces opposition from a neighbouring council.

Harlow Council has officially objected to the outline plans which were submitted to Epping Forest District Council in October, saying it ‘does not believe the current proposals would deliver the improvements and investment the town needs’.

Harlow Council has published a 13-page response to Commercial Estates Projects and Hallam Land’s scheme, stating it supports the principle of development at Latton Priory but has substantial concerns.

Pressure on services and infrastructure, along with a lack of funding for some infrastructure projects were among the concerns.

In a statement, Cllr Alastair Gunn, cabinet portfolio holder for garden town and planning, said: “When the Latton Priory planning application was submitted last year, I said we would review the application in detail and submit a formal response that focused on the needs of Harlow residents, and on securing the best possible outcome for the town as a whole.

“In objecting to this application, that is what we have done.

“This is not about opposing new housing developments on principle. Harlow needs to secure investment if we are to rebuild our town and renew our neighbourhoods.

“We can do that by supporting good quality, sustainable development proposals. For example, we’ve supported the Gilston villages development where, by working with our garden town partners, we helped secure £1.3 billion that will be invested into Harlow.

“Unfortunately, after carefully reviewing the Latton Priory application, we found several areas of concern. These will need to be addressed to secure our support for these plans to proceed.

“Latton Priory may not be within Harlow’s current district borders but if it does go ahead, it will very much be a part of our town. It cannot be a separate estate that adds nothing to Harlow beyond putting more pressure on our roads and public services.

“That is why we have formally objected to this application. We will now focus on seeking a better outcome for Harlow.

“We will be happy to work with our other garden town partners to help Epping Forest District Council and the applicants bring forward a scheme that we can support guided by our missions to secure investment for Harlow’s future, to rebuild our town and renew our neighbourhoods.”

Harlow Council’s full response can be viewed among the documents on the planning application.

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