Councillors have voted to approve plans for up to 300 homes on land east of the A44 at Yarnton, Oxfordshire – but two major objections must still be overcome.

Cherwell District Council’s planning committee approved Hallam Land Management’s outline application to develop a former piggery and additional agricultural land at its October 3 meeting.

Hallam’s plans for the 13.47-hectare site, off Woodstock Road, which include a 50 per cent proportion of affordable homes, have been being going through the planning process for a number of years and prompted objections from Network Rail and the Environment Agency. Those objections remain and the approval is conditional on those issues being resolved.

The Environment Agency raised concerns over flood risk, water quality, culverting a waterway and nature conservation. Its water quality objection requires the completion of the upgrade to Oxford Sewage Treatment Works which has been significantly delayed.

And Network Rail objects on the grounds of safety at Sandy Lane and Yarnton Lane level crossings. It wants all level crossings phased out and asks for CIL contributions to have those at Sandy Lane and Yarnton Lane replaced with stepped footbridges.

Councillors at the meeting were in the process of voting on the proposal when Cllr John Broad asked how those issues could be overcome and said there was a danger that building could begin before they were resolved.

A planning officer explained in detail the stages and likely timescales before such a development could be occupied, which could take up to two to three years.

Meeting chairman Cllr Barry Wood summarised the officer’s comment: “These things take ages, I think is the short answer.”

The motion to conditionally approve was carried with a number of abstentions.

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