Cala Homes Chiltern has won consent for 75 homes in Newbury.

The housebuilder is to develop a site in Stoney Lane, which will be called Knights Grove. Forty per cent of the homes will be affordable and all 75 will have air source heat pumps and EV chargers.

Each property will also have features such as bird boxes, bat boxes and swift bricks built in.

The homes will range from one and two-bedroom affordable flats to three, four, and five-bedroom open market houses.

Under Cala’s Community Pledge programme, bespoke activities, such as financial support, volunteering and schools’ programmes, will be arranged with the local community.

Jim Brunt, land director for Cala Homes Chiltern, said: “The planning consent for this new development will strengthen our presence in West Berkshire and will see much needed housing being delivered over the next couple of years.

“The development will provide wider benefits to the local area including a new equipped play area, affordable housing, and significant Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) payments.

“Over and above our planning obligations, our Community Pledge further reflects our commitment to the local area. We look forward to rolling out this bespoke programme of activity that will be created in collaboration with local residents and hope this has a positive impact on the wider neighbourhood.”

The first completions are expected as early as mid-2024.

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