Richborough Estates has applied for outline planning permission for up to 290 homes in Newton Leys to the south of Milton Keynes.
The housebuilder has applied to Buckinghamshire Council to develop a 17.78-hectare agricultural site south of Drayton Road. The site is part of Chadwell Farm.
Affordable homes will account for 25 per cent of the development. It is next to a Taylor Wimpey scheme of 170 homes which has been completed.
The team on the project includes PRS in planning, Hub on transport planning and Corstophine & Wright on architecture.
The scheme’s design and access statement concludes: “The development site will be a highly desirable place to live for the 21st Century and beyond, reflecting the desirable elements of the local vernacular.
“The proposals respect the local character but also move the community towards a more sustainable future. Development on the site will accord with the principles of high-quality design and best practice to create a residential development that is both varied, and yet sympathetic to its environment.
“The aim is to achieve a development with a strong identity and distinct sense of place, whilst at the same time integrating with the existing community.”
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