The existing development on the Hangar Lane Gyratory has had a further three storeys approved by Ealing adding to the existing 13 storeys and two storeys added to the 7 and 9 storey buildings.

The proposal is for 144 student accommodation rooms (72 additional rooms per floor) and an additional level on the ‘Sky Club’ to provide an additional floor of amenity space. The proposal contains 35 per cent affordable student accommodation in relation to the net increase in additional units. This equates to 50 rooms which would be affordable rent, subject to rent caps set out in the London Plan.

The site is in a highly accessible location and ironically a car-free development as proposed would be appropriate subject to the transport mitigation measures in the Section 106 agreement to secure significant improvements to the pedestrian, cycle infrastructure, environment; acceptable servicing, delivery arrangements and student drop off collection. The proposal would make beneficial use of a site being developed as student accommodation within a sustainable location.

The additional storeys make a significant contribution to student housing provision in the borough for which there is a demonstrable demand.


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