Bewley Homes has submitted plans for up to 245 properties on land at Tadley.

The housebuilder’s outline plans, submitted to Basingstoke & Deane Borough Council, are to develop an irregular site of 25.92 hectares of arable farming fields, west of Skates Lane. Plans include a 250 sq m convenience store.

The housing units will be mostly family homes and 40 per cent will be affordable.

The team on the project includes Boyer on planning, i-Transport on travel planning, AES on sustainability and Turley on heritage.

Comments opposing the plans quickly followed, including one from Rev Steve McKay, rector of Tadley with Pamber Heath and Silchester, who is also chaplain to the Mayor of Basingstoke.

He listed 16 reasons for objection. He added: “As Incumbent of the parish of Tadley and Pamber and chair of the Parochial Parish Council, I must represent my parishioners who feel this development is completely out of character for this part of ancient Tadley and do not support it.”


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