A public consultation takes place on Thursday (November 7) over plans for hundreds of new homes in Cambridge.

Housing and community facilities are in for an upgrade at Hanover Court and Princess Court in Cambridge and the public has until November 11 to respond.

For three years Cambridge Investment Partnership (CIP), a JV between Cambridge City Council and The Hill Group, has engaged with residents their views on plans to redevelop a block of 127 homes, including 82 council homes, 45 private sale homes and 126 garages.

The dated, current buildings require high maintenance costs and CIP says there is now room for improvements in thermal or sound insulations.

In addition, detailed surveys have uncovered structural issues and fire risks, along with the presence of asbestos.

CIP has initiated a voluntary decanting process, to relocate residents. That is almost 90 per cent complete.

Key features of the proposed plans for Hanover and Princess Courts include:

  • An increase in the number of homes
  • Various affordable housing options tailored to meet community needs
  • The introduction of some wheelchair-accessible homes
  • New open spaces along with a multi-use community room

Cllr Gerri Bird, executive councillor for housing at Cambridge City Council and CIP board member, said: “The regeneration of Hanover and Princess courts is part of our ambitious housebuilding programme aimed at replacing existing housing stock that is in poor condition with energy efficient homes.

“These improvements will not only reduce costs for residents but also enhance sustainability. I am particularly pleased to see the inclusion of purpose-built homes for those in the community with accessibility needs as part of the proposals.”

In addition an online consultation platform, the in-person consultation event will be held on Thursday, November 7 from 3pm to 7pm at St Paul’s Church, Hills Road.

Tom Hill, managing director at The Hill Group, said: “This consultation is an important step towards regenerating the estate, which is no longer fit for purpose. It’s our aim to provide a larger number of high quality, sustainable homes for the area and we encourage residents to participate in the process to ensure their voices are heard; their feedback will play a key role in shaping proposals for the future of Hanover and Princess courts.”

The plans also include a new community room and there will also be a courtyard space with lighting and covers. New enhanced open spaces will also feature designs influenced by a youth engagement workshop which was held in the Summer in partnership with Greater Cambridge Shared Planning Service Youth Engagement Service.

CIP held two workshops with 30 Year 6 students from St Paul’s C of E Primary School in Cambridge to help develop ideas for the outdoor spaces.

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