Councillors have agreed to move forward with two regeneration schemes in the centre of Aylesbury.

Buckinghamshire Council’s cabinet, agreed at its May 7 meeting, to approve a proposal to regenerate the former Gala Bingo Hall site in the High Street and to convert the former county offices nearby to 46 flats.

The Gala Bingo Hall site will be developed into new public realm and a temporary hub for businesses while a business case is worked on for a longer term mixed-use development across the whole site. It is part of a £5 million investment to improve walking and connectivity.

The consented conversion of the former county offices, which have been empty for 10 years, had stalled, due in part to market conditions, but the council has since secured Brownfield Land Release Funding for the site and has brought in a new developer.

The two sites are close to the Exchange Street car park and their redevelopment is part of the council’s Aylesbury Regeneration Strategy.

Some general improvements including upgrading lighting and power supply in Market Square and making permanent some pedestrianised street arrangements, introduced during Covid, are already under way.

Cllr Rachael Matthews, deputy cabinet member for town centre regeneration, said: “The Gala Bingo site has been sitting empty for years and is in a key location at the heart of the town. It’s always been earmarked for regeneration so it’s great news that we’re in a position to move plans forward for the site.

“Likewise, it’s also now many years since old county offices were vacated and I’m really pleased we’re now in a position to create attractive new homes in the town centre that will be developed in this heritage site.

“There is a great amount of activity in and around Aylesbury that we’re driving forward to unlock the potential of the town and make it an even better place to work, live and do business in.

“We’re bringing forward empty sites, improving connectivity, and delivering visible improvements while retaining and enhancing the heritage features of our attractive market town.

“These are exciting times and we will keep businesses, residents and other stakeholders fully updated as these plans progress.”

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