The site of the former Merrymakers pub in Langley has been sold by Slough Borough Council for a scheme of 53 affordable homes.

The sale of the long-derelict 1.3-acre site in Trelawney Avenue to developer Elstree Land was completed on November 30.

A planning application for the homes, providing a 30 per cent proportion of affordable, has already been submitted but Estree Land has teamed up with Abri Housing Association to try to ensure it is 100 per cent affordable.

Elstree Land owner Daniel Bradbury said: “This site has been vacant for a number of years, and we look forward to working with Slough to deliver a high quality residential scheme which will assist in uplifting and revitalising the area.

“Within these 53 homes, more than 30 per cent of them will be affordable homes that will be delivered to the Future Homes Building Standard ensuring they are at the cutting edge of sustainability.

“But we don’t want to stop at 30 percent. My vision is to work with Homes England and Abri to bring 100 per cent of the properties forward as affordable, providing future residents with an excellent balance of new homes, at a reasonable cost, close to local amenities which work for a variety of residents.”

Cllr Wal Chahal, lead member for finance and assets, said: “This a sale we are proud of. Not only does it bring in much-needed funds to aid the council’s recovery, the sale to Elstree Land means reviving a completely derelict site for new, and not just new, but also the added benefit of affordable homes.

“This development of a brownfield site in a way which not only enhances the local area but also meets the needs of local people is very welcome and we look forward to continuing to work with Elstree Land so this vision can become a reality.”

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