Two Suffolk councils have teamed up to try to slow down plans for the National Grid’s Norwich to Tilbury project.

The 184km of cables, mostly carried by overhead pylons, are part of National Grid’s upgrade to carry electricity from proposed new offshore wind farms.

Now Babergh and Mid Suffolk district councils have published their full response to a consultation on the project, calling for it to be paused and alternatives considered.

The joint response states: “The councils believe that a pause to the scheme is necessary to enable alternatives to be fully considered and consulted upon and that this rational delay would be more likely to enable delivery of the objectives of this and other projects in the region whilst minimizing the impacts of such developments on the districts’ communities and environment.

“However, in the intervening period, and in response to the statutory consultation, it is valuable to engage with the proposed plans as they are set out, and seek to minimise the impacts of the development on the communities and environments of the districts whilst maximising the opportunities for benefits that the districts and wider eastern region may realise as a result of the development.”

The full response can be seen here.

The consultation, which has now closed, is expected to lead to national Grid’s submission of a Development Consent Order in January and the scheme to be fully operational by 2031.

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