Arlington has announced lettings and developments at Oxford Business Park.

Housing provider GreenSquare has taken 3,500 sq ft of space in Building 7400 in The Quorum and health technology firm Ultromics has secured 8,500 sq ft at Building 4630.

The demand is driving Arlington to complete further development projects such as the refurbishment of Building 3500, which will provide approximately 18,000 sq ft over two floors, with 85 car parking spaces.

Arlington expects the building to be completed in the second quarter of 2021 and says it will offer the highest quality, contemporary workspace.

The developer is also bringing forward plans for the construction of up to 90,000 sq ft of hybrid R&D/production buildings designed to be highly flexible space for hi-tech and life science businesses.

Development director for Arlington, Dan Williams, said: “We’re delighted to welcome these fantastic companies to the park.

“It is an exciting period for us, the comprehensive customer focused offer at the park is as strong as it has ever been and the quality of flexible business space will be enhanced even further once building 3500 is completed next year.”

Last year, Arlington unveiled its new customer hub where The Oxford Factory and The Oxford Works combine to provide restaurant, working space, meeting areas and a seminar theatre. An app enables users to access services.

BNP Paribas, VSL & Partners and Lambert Smith Hampton advise Arlington.

Image (CGI) shows Building 8150.

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