Claire Upton-Brown has taken on a new role at Guildford and Waverley borough councils after services were combined.

The two Surrey authorities had already shared planning development and policy services but now those services will themselves be combined under her new role as assistant director of planning.

Claire, who has been assistant director of planning development across both councils since March 2023, began in the new post on August 19. She was previously director of planning, regeneration and economy at New Forest District Council.

Julian Higson, who was recently appointed to the role of strategic director for housing, communities and environment, said: “A single head of planning provides a number of benefits that positively impact, influence, shape and grow all strategic corporate decisions.

“Bringing these two areas of planning together, will mean that we’ll be better able to respond to the new government. It will allow us to plan for positive growth.

“Claire is a brilliant leader who is passionate about making Guildford and Waverley fantastic places to live, work and do business. I’m delighted that she has accepted this appointment.”

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