Major regeneration of Farnborough’s Civic Quarter has been approved by Rushmoor Borough Council.

The mixed-use scheme for 960 new homes, a leisure and civic centre, a 200-room hotel, retail space, two mobility hubs, multi-storey car park and more than 1.93 hectares of green open space was approved by the authority’s development management committee on February 22.

Air source heat pumps will provide the new homes with hot water and heating, while green roofs and solar panels will feature. Biodiversity throughout the development will be increased with new healthy verges, amenity grasslands, and new tree planting.

A new central park and play area with be created in the scheme which is being delivered by   Rushmoor Development Partnership, a joint venture between the council and Hill Group.

Andy Hill, chief executive of the Hill Group, said: “This is another significant milestone for our successful investment partnership with Rushmoor Borough Council, and represents our biggest planning determination for the RDP.

“We are excited to have the opportunity to be part of such an ambitious and transformative project. Our plans for Farnborough’s town centre will provide much needed, sustainable new homes and fantastic amenities that will be enjoyed by the residents of Farnborough now and in the future. The RDP is committed to delivering a legacy of high-quality, sustainable development that will benefit the community for generations to come.”

Cllr Martin Tennant, Rushmoor Borough Council’s deputy leader and cabinet member for major projects and property, said: “We are thrilled with the approval of the outline planning for the Civic Quarter masterplan.

“The development will help to create a thriving, sustainable community in the heart of Farnborough, offering a range of amenities that will benefit residents for years to come. We look forward to bringing this vision to life.”

Detailed planning applications on plots will start to be submitted during 2023, with work starting in late 2024.

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