Montpelier Estates has applied to build a GP surgery along with a care home for young adults with complex need in Lace Hill, Buckingham.
The scheme is the latest attempt to provide healthcare for the Lace Hill residential development. It was first proposed in 2007 and was intended to have a number of additional services including renal care and a dentist.
Plans for the site off Needlepin Way, had been given consent on appeal in 2022 but this has lapsed and new plans have been drawn up to account for changing requirements of the NHS.
Montpelier and The Swan Practice have now submitted the new plans to Buckinghamshire Council which include the dental practice and, separately, a 15-unit care home for physically disabled young adults with complex needs who are aged between 18 and 40.
The proposed health centre will have a total of 84 car parking spaces.
The team on the project includes Framptons on planning, Montpelier Estates on architecture and DTA on transport planning.
Image shows the health centre with the young adults’ care home to the distant right.
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