Groundbreaking has taken place at the site of a new 44,000 sq ft distribution centre at Gateway 14.

The building will be the biggest distribution centre for Ipswich-based Bauder UK which makes roofing materials.

Bauder managing directors Yvonne Higgins and John Llewellyn, plus logistics manager Ian Madgwick led the ground-breaking ceremony at the state-of-the-art park near Stowmarket, along with representatives from Gateway 14 Ltd, Mid Suffolk District Council, Jaynic, Freeport East and Wilten Construction.

Council-owned Gateway 14 Ltd, is developing the site with Jaynic as development manager. The construction contract has been awarded to Leicestershire-based Wilten Construction.

Yvonne Higgins of Bauder, said: “This a landmark day for Bauder.  Our investment plan, to grow and strengthen our presence in the UK market, welcomes the new distribution centre to meet increasing demand, and is in line with our sustainability programme.

“This is the first part of a larger plan that will also see us expand our operational base in Ipswich and create further job opportunities at both our sites.”

Sir Christopher Haworth, chair of Gateway 14 Ltd, said: “This is another welcome milestone for Gateway 14.  Alongside plans for the new skills and innovation centre on site, people can now see how Gateway 14 is taking shape and can start to understand its significance for the region as a hub for the green sector.”

Agents for the site are Savills and Avison Young.

Image by Rebecca Austin shows (l-r) with spades: Cllr Andrew Mellen, leader, MSDC; Yvonne Higgins, Bauder; Ian Madgwick, Bauder; John Llewellyn, Bauder, and Justin Watts, Wilten Construction.

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