Councillors have approved plans to demolish a secondary school in Kidlington and rebuild it.

Plans by Bowmer + Kirkland on behalf of the Department for Education for the 7.66-hectare Gosford Hill School to be demolished and replaced with a three-storey school with sports pitches, parking, access and landscaping, were approved by Cherwell District Council’s planning committee on June 6.

The new school is designed to be net zero carbon in operation and is supported by Oxfordshire County Council.

It is intended to accommodate 750 students with an additional 150 sixth form spaces. There will be 70 full time staff.

Nigel Sellars, Gosford Hill’s head teacher, told the meeting: “I know the school really well and I know the community really well. The current buildings are very tired, outdated inefficient, costly to run and the roofs leak.

“It’s a great privilege that we are the first school in Oxfordshire to be successful in making it on to the Department for Education school rebuilding programme. We’ve worked with the DfE and Bowman + Kirkland the contractor, to ensure the new school meets the needs of our school and the community that it serves.

“The design is very much fit for learning in the 21st Century.  We have gone for one building which contrasts the current campus where the additional buildings over the years have spread out and one building suits the needs of the school.”

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