Howarth Homes has launched an appeal against Hounslow’s refusal to grant planning permission for development on the Adini site on the Great West Road, Isleworth, in December 2022.

The proposal was to erect two residential buildings to provide 51 flats with associated works, including repair and restoration of locally listed buildings to provide an office following the demolition of existing industrial buildings.

The grounds for the appeal submitted are a push for more affordable housing, and the development’s benefits far outweigh the harms.

 The site was put up for sale in 2020 for £6m with residential and office planning, which had been previously won on appeal.

Specifically, the council gave five reasons for refusal:

  • Loss of Employment Space.
  • Fails to respond to the existing context and constraints of the site.
  • Lack of sunlight.
  • Poor quality accommodation, including a shortfall in amenity space.
  • Insufficient information regarding highway and pedestrian safety.

If the appeal is successful, the planning officers have submitted a proposal for the committee to agree to a S106 agreement.

The architects are WaM.


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