Kings House Schoool, an Independent day school located on Richmond Hill and favoured by many famous parents, has submitted plans for a new block. The plans require the demolition of existing buildings and the construction of new buildings to include a new Music and Drama room, an extension to the sports hall and reconfiguring the play area.

Planning consent has not been given due to the impact on the enviroment and the neighbourhood. The Kings School Trust is in good financial health and will probably re-submit revised plans.

“The loss of four trees which positively contribute to the character and appearance of the Conservation Area is regrettable and causes less than substantial harm to the Conservation Area. The landscaping scheme includes six on-site replacement trees to be planted along the southern boundary, and a financial contribution of £39,995 has been agreed to contribute to off-site tree planting and maintenance. With mitigation and a landscaping scheme that delivers biodiversity net gain, the scheme addresses policy requirements. The scheme achieves the high sustainability aims of Council policies and will also achieve energy improvements to existing buildings. The buildings will be wheelchair accessible, improving inclusivity and accessibility, and the quality of facilities available to an established educational provider and also, in turn, improved facilities for the community uses utilising the premises out of school hours. In doing so, it delivers gains against social policy objectives. “

With the impact of COVID-19 and social distancing, the school may find it has to amend its plans.

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