A £20 million funding package for King’s Lynn has been welcomed by local stakeholders.

The town was awarded the money from the Government’s Long Term Plan for Towns in the Spring Budget. Local engagement and consultation will start in the next few months to help shape the plan.

Cllr Alistair Beales, King’s Lynn & West Norfolk Borough Council’s cabinet member for business said: “The announcement of the Long Term Plan for Towns funding is great news and will allow further improvements to be delivered in King’s Lynn that meet the needs of local people.

“With community engagement at the heart, this funding offers a fantastic opportunity for residents to get involved and inform what’s in the plan around three themes, namely safety and security, also high streets, heritage, and regeneration, and finally, transport and connectivity.

“We have a solid track record of delivering investment and regeneration in King’s Lynn, and this additional funding offers significant scope to create further improvements, working together with local people.”

The funding, to be made available over a 10 year period, is in addition to the £25m Town Deal funding which was announced in 2021.

Vicky Etheridge, interim chair of the King’s Lynn Town Deal Board, said: “The announcement of the Long Term Plan for Towns funding for King’s Lynn is fantastic news.

“This funding represents a significant opportunity to bring further improvements to King’s Lynn, building on what is already being delivered through the Towns Fund, and focusing on priorities that are shaped by local people.

“The King’s Lynn Town Deal Board is committed to the success of King’s Lynn, and we look forward to finding out more about the funding and the potential it offers for our town.  This is a hugely exciting time for King’s Lynn.” 

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