Almost two years after voting to approve plans for 117 homes at Bracknell Town’s former Larges Lane ground, councillors will be asked to approve a revised scheme of 88.

Bracknell Forest Council’s planning committee voted to approve the club’s plans in May 2022, subject to a s106 agreement being signed.

Now though, the latest application, submitted in the name of the club chairman Kayne Steinborn-Busse, for 64 flats and 24 houses, is to go before councillors on Thursday, April 18 with a recommendation for approval. 

Documents within the application state the changes were made following discussions with members of the surrounding community about preferred designs, but the applicant is seeking to have the option of either scheme being available.

The new scheme proposes two blocks of flats and plus 24 three-storey, three and four-bedroom terraced houses in a series of blocks. There will be a total 166 car parking spaces and 191 cycle spaces.

The development has changed a number of times since the club left in December 2020 to set up home at Sandhurst’s Bottom Meadow ground.

The club’s plan for 117 flats was itself revised from a previous plan for 126 which was rejected. That plan was also a reduction from a previously withdrawn proposal for 164.

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