Plans have been submitted for a 19,800 sq m laboratory building near Oxford station.

Applicant Forge Bio GP 2 has applied to Oxford City Council to demolish 1970s-built Beaver House and a neighbouring building, both in Hythe Bridge Street (see Google image below) for the new scheme.

The proposal, Bridge Labs, will be a five-storey, state-of the-art building.

The application’s design & access statement, produced by Savills says: “The proposed development will create approximately 19,805 sq m (GIA) of floorspace (including the retained, original floorspace at 42A Hythe Bridge Street).

“The floorspace will primarily be used for laboratory and office space although provision is sought for public and community uses within Classes E and F at ground floor level.

“Those functions will generate activity and interest along Hythe Bridge Street and provide wider community integration with the site.”

The scheme aims to achieve BREEAM Outstanding and WELL Gold.

Design of the scheme involved Purcell, Exterior Architecture, Scotch Partners and HTS, with planning by Savills. Community engagement was carried out by DevComms.


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