After a thorough evaluation, Hammersmith and Fulham Council’s Planning Committee has approved a mews-style development on the former Triangle Garage, Bishops Road Fulham site.

The proposal is for the demolition of the existing industrial buildings (Use Class B2) and the erection of six two-storey plus-basement single-family dwellinghouses (Use Class C3) with associated landscaping, bicycle storage, one wheelchair-accessible car parking space, refuse storage and associated works.

The site, with access through an existing residence with an undercroft at 2 Bishops Road, presents a challenge for developers, with the previous proposal failing to achieve permission.

The narrow entrance means that the development will be car-free, with only accessible parking space for a small car.

The councillors, impressed by the good use of a small space in a popular area within West London, have provided positive feedback on the project’s potential.

The developer is 2 Bishops Road Ltd, and Stephen Taylor Architects provided the drawings.


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