East West Railway (EWR) Company has announced the appointment of David Hughes as chief executive.

He joins EWR from ARUP where he has been major programmes director. He boasts a long track record in developing and delivering the biggest transport programmes in the UK.

He has served as director general responsible for rail infrastructure in the Department for Transport, programme director at Transport for the North, and investment planning director at Transport for London.

David’s appointment comes as EWR embarks on the next phase of its development, launching the first phase of Statutory Consultation this summer.

He said: “I’m very excited to be joining the EWR team at this important moment. I’ve spent my career to date delivering transport connections that both make a real difference to the lives of the communities they serve and boost economic growth as well.

“EWR epitomises that – it’s a real opportunity to improve the quality of life for people living locally with faster and more frequent connections to the places they want to go, and it can also be a huge win for the UK economy as a whole.

“I can’t wait to get started, and particularly to meet local residents and businesses during the consultation, to hear your views on how to best develop East West Rail for the future.”

Neil Sachdev, chair of EWR Co, said: “I’m so pleased that David will be joining us as our chief executive. He brings a proven track record in delivering major transport programmes, and a real commitment to the promise that EWR offers, both for better public transport in local communities but also in unlocking growth in this world-leading region for science and technology.

“David starts on solid foundations, and I want to take this opportunity to say thank you again to our outgoing CEO, Beth West, for the good work she has done over the past two years to get us ready as we embark on the next phase of EWR.”  

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