
Brent has approved the redevelopment of Olympic House and Shubette House, Olympic Way Wembley.

The proposal is for the demolition of Olympic House with the erection of three buildings up to 25 storeys. The existing Novotel will have an extension adding 95 additional rooms. The replacement of Olympic House will provide 172 residential units, a new hotel of 260 rooms and retail outlets. The proposal includes a new colonnade and public realm improvements to Olympic Way.

The scheme would provide a total of 172 residential apartments. The Central Residence will comprise 141market units and the North End Road Residence will comprise 30 affordable units (equivalent to 19.4 per cent affordable housing). An additional market residential unit will be provided at 22nd floor level of the new hotel block fronting Olympic Way.

The development is at the beginning of the iconic route from Wembley Park Station to Wembley Stadium.

Hycgan, the developer,  is committed to buildings with the highest sustainability measures.

This means that the buildings will be at the cutting edge of clean energy and the lowest carbon emissions. All the buildings will be designed to use as little energy as possible to make it more affordable to run the hotel and reduce the utility bills in the apartments.There will also be significant landscaping work introducing green spaces along the edge of the site and on podium levels and the roof of the building. Please visit our website for more information about the landscape strategy.


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