Bellway Homes’ plans for 60 properties in Caversham Road, Reading go before councillors on Wednesday (February 1) with a recommendation for approval.

Reading Borough Council’s planning applications committee has been recommended to approve the scheme of 50 flats of up to three bedrooms and 10 four-bedroom terraced homes. Approval will be conditional of a s106 agreement being signed by April 1.

There will be three blocks of flats and two terraces of houses. A total 30 parking spaces will be provided and a car club will be subsidised by Bellway for five years.

The homes, 30 per cent of them affordable, will replace the former Carters outdoor shop, an MOT centre and some vacant industrial buildings at numbers 97a-117 in Caversham Road.

Top image looks into the scheme from Caversham Road, showing its access road. Image below shows frontage onto Caversham Road.

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