Major plans to expand Grove Business Park at Wantage have been submitted to the Vale of White Horse District Council.

The Oxford Endowment Fund, which acquired the 260,000 sq ft park last year, wants to add a further 377,000 sq ft of space at the former World War II airfield.

The hybrid application includes detailed plans for three new buildings totalling 87,110 sq ft of technology/R&D/lab accommodation and an outline application for a further 290,000 sq ft of commercial development.

It also proposes improving the existing buildings and landscaping, together with providing leisure, recreation and catering areas.

Speaking on behalf of the fund, William Lawrie, head of property management at Oxford University Endowment Management, said: “The proposed increase in quality and scale of the park, together with the new investment and job opportunities created in the life sciences, innovation and technology sectors is a really important resource for the region.

“The proposals include plans to deliver a BREAAM Excellent development with enhanced biodiversity, green amenity spaces, pedestrian priorities and improved access and permeability with the adjacent residential development, which will create a sustainable campus environment for the future.”

Most of the site for the expansion is previously developed land.


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