Plans to revitalise the grade II listed Lowestoft Town Hall have been unveiled.

The building, which has been owned by Lowestoft Town Council since 2017 and vacant and unoccupied since spring 2015, could reopen its doors in two years’ time provided a funding bid is successful and plans get the go-ahead.

With plans lodged for “restoration and extension” of the building, applications for listed building consent and full planning permission have been submitted “for the redevelopment of Lowestoft town hall as a civic and community facility.”

With two schemes currently “awaiting decision” with East Suffolk Council, it centres around “restoration and extension of the Grade II listed Lowestoft Town Hall, to form a heritage hub, café, gallery, community event space, town council office and registrar offices.”

A heritage, design and access statement for the two schemes lodged by agents HAT Projects on behalf of the applicant Lowestoft Town Council, states: “The proposals will enhance and improve the town hall’s communal significance through bringing it back into active use as the civic heart of Lowestoft.

“It will restore the building to its rightful place in the communal life of the town, allowing its communal value to be fully understood and experienced by the whole community.”

“The proposal has been carefully detailed and designed to extend the life of the heritage asset and future-proof it for coming generations, through repairs of structural and other degraded fabric, energy efficiency improvements, restoration and conservation of historic features, and the extension to create functional and accessible space for all parts of the community to use.”

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