National Grid is inviting communities between Norwich and Tilbury to comment on the latest proposals for a new electricity power line project.

The plans have been unveiled for an eight-week public consultation, which started on June 27 and will run until August 21, on a new high-voltage electricity power line and associated infrastructure.

The proposed new infrastructure will be able to transport six gigawatts enough to power six million homes in the East of England and across the country, helping the UK reduce its reliance on fossil fuels and contribute to lower energy bills in the long term.

The project forms part of National Grid’s Great Grid Upgrade, which will see significant new infrastructure built across England and Wales to connect clean, renewable energy from where it’s generated out at sea to where it’s needed by communities across the UK.

The new network is the largest overhaul of the grid in generations, enabling homes and businesses in East Anglia and across the UK to use renewable energy to power the things they love in years to come.

Following its first consultation in 2022 National Grid is sharing new detail with communities along the proposed route, including potential positions for overhead lines and associated pylons, underground cables, cable sealing end compounds and a connection substation.

The further detail included within the updated proposals is based on cost, engineering and environmental assessments as well as impacts on biodiversity, ecology, the historic environment and visual landscape.

Liam Walker, Project Director for Norwich to Tilbury, said: “The government’s net zero target means an increase in new renewable electricity generation such as offshore wind power.

“We’re proposing new infrastructure that will connect this green energy to the grid and allow clean electricity to power homes and businesses across East Anglia and the UK, boosting our home-grown energy security and progress towards net zero.

“The feedback we received in last year’s initial consultation has been valuable in helping us to further shape our proposals. This latest consultation is another part of our engagement with communities and stakeholders along the proposed route and we encourage people to share their views on the updated proposals.”

Members of the public will be able to take part in the consultation and speak with National Grid’s team by attending consultation events, online webinars, or by visiting the project website.

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