The Old Oak Common Planning and Development Corporation(OPDC) has approved amended (April 2023) full planning for phase one of One Portal Way, Acton, and an outline for the next phases on March 28, 2024.

We covered the initial outline application here.

The request was for the following:

Full planning permission for a building comprising residential units, flexible commercial/community/town centre uses, and a building providing co-living units or student accommodation units, co-working space, and flexible commercial/community/town centre uses, along with basement, associated cycle and car parking, creation of publicly accessible landscaped open space and associated highway works and public realm improvements.

Outline planning permission is sought for a building providing office floorspace and flexible commercial/community/town centre uses; a building providing residential units and flexible commercial/community/town centre uses; a building providing a hotel or office floorspace and flexible commercial/community/town centre uses; a building providing residential units, and flexible commercial/community/town centre uses; a building providing residential units and flexible commercial/community/town centre uses; below ground space providing back of house space (including plant, cycle and car parking) ancillary to the residential development, flexible commercial/community/town centre uses, with back of house space (including plant, cycle and car parking) ancillary to the wider flexible commercial/community/town centre uses on the site, and associated publicly accessible landscaped open space, associated highway works and public realm improvements.


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