The London Borough of Richmond Planning Committee has granted approval for the demolition and redevelopment of 74 Oldfield Road, Hampton, subject to specific conditions.
The approved project involves replacing an existing industrial building with a two-storey mixed-use structure, featuring a mansard roof and basement. The development will house a self-storage facility with a floor space of 5,264 sqm and a business centre offering 170 sqm of affordable workspace. Additional facilities will include parking for cars, vans, and bicycles, electric vehicle charging points, air source heat pumps, photovoltaic panels, and a biodiverse roof.
The application, submitted by Shurgard UK Limited and represented by ROK Planning, includes a recommendation for the planning committee to delegate authority to the head of development management. Approval is contingent upon completing a Section 106 Legal Agreement and adhering to stipulated conditions and informatives.
Members of the committee acknowledged the improvements made to the proposed development since its initial submission. They welcomed the inclusion of affordable office space and recognised the advantages of the scheme’s considerable biodiversity net gain and green initiatives. Moreover, the reduction in car parking, promotion of active travel, and provision for shower facilities were seen as positive attributes. However, the approval is conditional; if the Section 106 Agreement is not finalized within three months, the proposal will be refused. Concerns were primarily focused on ensuring compliance with policy requirements and necessary mitigation measures.
Ultimately, the Committee approved the plan, agreeing that no grounds for refusal had been identified and supported the scheme’s overall merits and positive contributions to the community.
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