Plans for 121 homes and a care home received a second refusal when Oxford City Council’s planning committee unanimously rejected the scheme.

The proposal by Cilldara Group to develop a 7.16-hectare, cross-boundary site at Bayswater Farm in Bayswater Farm Road, Headington has already been rejected by South Oxfordshire District Council and on Tuesday, May 21, the city council took a similar view.

Officers had recommended refusal on the basis of access issues, lack of a highways assessment, insufficient walking and cycling, lack of s106 agreement and loss of trees.

Reuben Bellamy, a planner representing Cilldara, explained the developer’s response to each objection and asked for a deferral so they could be addressed but councillors offered little support.

Cllr Louise Upton said: “If access to this was really good and we could get the s106 sorted out then it would be great to have these extra homes near Oxford – with a care home as well.”

She asked officers if the scheme could be considered if those issues were addressed but was told the scheme had to be considered as it was submitted.

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