Sizewell C has won its High Court legal challenge against local campaign group Together Against Sizewell C (TASC), who opposes the scheme.

The challenge was over the environmental impact of the Sizewell C project, with emphasis on the disposal of nuclear waste and the provision of water supply to the station.

The campaigners also argued the Government failed to consider alternative solutions to meet its energy and climate change objectives.

However, following the release of a 47-page High Court ruling document, Mr Justice Holgate dismissed the challenge, adding that several parts were “totally without merit”, with “nothing artificial or unlawfully limiting” about a policy aimed at providing a mix of solar, wind and nuclear power.

He said it was not the role of a court, or the claimant, to rewrite government policy, adding that the government’s approach to the water supply, which would be dealt with under a separate policy, was lawful.

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