The Harlesden Framework is a finalist in this year’s Planning Award ‘for fostering a healthy high street’! The Framework combines robust data analysis, historical research and mapping with in-depth local knowledge and insight to create a blueprint for investment and diversification.
Developed by a partnership of Brent Council, HawkinsBrown and Jan Kattein Architects, the Framework has been pivotal to securing funding (from council sources and external funds) to invest in the high street. It did this by clearly articulating the need, the case for investment, and the support from local people for seeing more cultural space, workspace, and community/civic space on their doorstep. The council hopes to replicate this approach in other high streets in the future.
The Harlesden Framework also borders the Old Oak Common redevelopment managed by the Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation (OPDC) one of the UK’s largest regeneration projects. It is expected that Brent along with Ealing and Hammersmith will be huge beneficiaries of the changes planned.
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