Wandsworth Council, in close consultation with the community, has unanimously approved another of several small developments that will bring additional homes to the borough.

The approved proposal is for the demolition of eleven garages at Aubyn Square and the erection of a five-storey block comprising nine flats at the northwest corner of the estate fronting Roehampton Lane and the erection of a three-storey block comprising three flats adjacent to one – four Aubyn Square, with associated landscaping works, provision of parking spaces alongside broader estate improvements including refurbished play area, MUGA and proposed new play spaces.   

The Borough of Wandsworth desperately needs more council housing to help tackle waiting lists and allow people to stay within the communities where they have roots. The Council has committed to building 1,000 council homes as part of the Homes for Wandsworth programme.

Aubyn Square and Toland Square were identified as two estates that could accommodate several additional homes. As part of this programme, several similarly sized schemes have already been completed on existing estates, where the Council and a highly experienced contractor have worked closely with local residents and stakeholders. One example of a similar low-rise estate is Gideon Road in Battersea.

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