Plans for a 100-room ‘high-end’ hotel at Magnolia Park Golf Club in Boarstall, Buckinghamshire have recommended for approval.

The club’s plans for a tri-winged replacement for its vacant former 40-room hotel were deferred at the July 6 meeting of Buckinghamshire Council’s central area planning committee. Objectors had suggested the building would be too dominant.

The plans go back before the committee on Wednesday, August 31 with a recommendation for approval, subject to a s106 agreement.

The July 6 meeting heard four high-end operators had shown interest in the proposed hotel which will have a replacement golf club, two restaurants, a gym, a spa, a swimming pool and a conference room.

The new hotel will have a lower ground, ground and first floor and will be 4,891 sq m bigger than its predecessor. There will be 215 parking spaces.

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