Plans for 10,000 sq ft of commercial space for SMEs and start-ups in Banbury have been submitted to Cherwell District Council.

Site owner E5 Commercial (Higham Way) has applied to build 10 industrial units of 1,000 sq ft each on a vacant, former industrial, site off Higham Way. Proposed use classes include B2 (general industrial), B8 (storage and distribution) and E(g).

The 10 units will be arranged in three blocks, one of six units and each of the others with two.

The site had been railway sidings before becoming a concrete works but has since been cleared.

The application’s design and planning statement concludes: “The proposed development will have minimal impact upon the surrounding area and is fully compliant with planning policy.

“The proposals will have no negative social impact but will have a positive employment benefit. The proposal has been carefully thought out and is considered appropriate. The layout is practical, and the external appearance is not inappropriate to the area.

“People with limited physical mobility can access the facility without assistance. The scheme will provide much needed commercial space for startup and other small businesses in a well-established and populated industrial area.

“The development is allocated employment land as identified in the Cherwell Local Plan.”

Architect for the scheme is Building Design Group while The Historic Environment Consultancy worked on heritage and Exigo Project Solutions worked on transport.

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