Plans for up to 1,450 homes in South Oxfordshire go before councillors on Wednesday (October 9) with a recommendation for approval.

The application by Dorchester Residential Management and Christchurch Oxford, to go before South Oxfordshire District Council’s planning committee, seeks permission to develop 118.9 hectares of mostly agricultural land, north of Bayswater Brook at the southern fringes of Oxford.

The hybrid plans seek outline consent for:

  • Up to 1,450 homes of up to four bedrooms
  • 120 units of assisted living and care facilities
  • 560 sq m of community use buildings
  • 500 sq m of commercial/business/service buildings/health provision
  • 2,600 sq m of new primary school
  • Green infrastructure
  • Transport, parking, access, surface water and utility infrastructure works

And full consent for:

  • Change of use and refurbishment of some existing buildings for Class E (commercial, business and services) at Wick Farm
  • Change of Use and refurbishment of a house to Class F1 (learning and non-residential institutions)
  • A new barn style building (Class E)
  • A new building for back-of-house facilities for the main barn-style building (Class E)
  • A new community building
  • Transport and parking infrastructure for the local centre
  • Demolition of some buildings
  • Landscaping, new public realm and a market garden

A separate application has been submitted for full permission for a package of access works.

These include works to the Marston Interchange and Elsfield Road to create the western site access, bus access from the A40 and onto Barton Village Road, the eastern site access onto Bayswater Road, cycle routes, footpath connections and bridge crossings across the Bayswater Brook, a new pedestrian/ cycle bridge over the A40 together with ramps and connections to the cycle network both north and south of the A40.

That application is also recommended for approval.

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