Homes England is consulting on plans for up to 265 properties and office, café and retail space opposite Didcot station.

The site, to the south of the station, which includes two car parks and a number of buildings, is identified in the emerging South Oxfordshire District Council’s (SODC) Local Plan for up to 300 homes.

A 2015 planning application by SODC for up 300 homes, a 70-room hotel, a three-deck car park and commercial and retail space, was approved in 2016 subject to a s106 agreement.

However, due to problems caused by fragmented ownership of the site the s106 agreement was not signed and the scheme was withdrawn in June 2020.

Now Homes England and the council have come forward with plans for Didcot Gateway on sections of the land which are owned by them.

The scheme shows a series of buildings of three to five storeys with one landmark seven-storey block. Apartments and townhouses, which will include a mix of market and affordable homes, will have up to three bedrooms.

Consultation is taking place with Barton Willmore until July 29. It is anticipated permission will be granted this year with work starting in 2021 and the first homes occupied in 2022 and 2023.


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