Berkeley Strategic Land’s application for up to 350 homes and a 68-unit care home at Blagrove Lane, Wokingham goes before councillors on Wednesday (September 11) with a recommendation for approval.

Wokingham Borough Council’s planning committee will consider the outline proposal for the scheme of one and two-bedroom flats and houses of two, three and four bedrooms on 31 hectares of agricultural land and woodland.

The scheme, Blagrove Meadows, will have a 35 per cent proportion of affordable homes but a condition within the approval recommendation allows for the council to increase that to 40 per cent if a land transfer for the care home is not completed within a year.

However, the scheme has considerable opposition. A total of 540 people objected to the initial proposal and, when a revision took place in which the care home was added, 409 objected.

The team on the project includes Boyer on architecture, Lichfields on planning and Glanville on transport.

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