Oxford Brookes University’s plans for 500 homes at its Wheatley Campus can go ahead after an appeal was upheld.

South Oxfordshire District Council (SODC) had refused plans to develop the campus in 2018. The refusal was based on the site’s location in the Green Belt and on preventing urban sprawl.

But the subsequent appeal report, published at the end of April, found the council’s most important policies to be largely out of date.

The report said there is an overall benefit to the ‘openness of the Green Belt’, the site is well-located for services and facilities and that there is an overall heritage benefit.

The decision has prompted speculation that it sets a precedent which could lead to further development of the Green Belt. Look out for future expert views in Thames Tap.

Lichfields senior director Daniel Lampard offers an expert view on both Harrington and the Wheatley Campus stories.

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