The Richmond Planning Committee has approved a small development of seven properties for affordable rent on the edge of the Mereway Nature Park Twickenham.

The site, well known to Rugby fans, sits on a path to the Twickenham Stoop and Twickenham, which passes the River Crane and through the Mereway Nature Park. The former day centre building was recently demolished following a prior approval consent in 2020. The Centre has not been used since 2007.

Although overgrown, the site is a brownfield site designated for development. A five-metre nature strip between the development and the River Crane increases the biodiversity gain.

The proposal was for erecting seven single/two-storey residential dwellings and eight car parking spaces (including one accessible parking space), landscaping incorporating communal amenity space and ecological enhancement area, secure cycle, and refuse storage. All the properties have at least three bedrooms and are all M4-compliant adaptable buildings.

The Richmond Housing Partnership are the developers of the properties, and Wimshurst Pelleritti is the architect of the scheme.



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