A Suffolk Chamber of Commerce Sizewell C Supply Chain event on November 9 at Trinity Park, Ipswich, showed the huge number of businesses needed to accommodate the power station if it were to gain planning permission.

The project is projected to bring £4 billion investment into the eastern regions and should benefit local businesses and industries in its construction and operation.

The event was populated by firms from 18 different sectors, including leisure, services and hospitality. It also gave updates and insights on the construction of a new nuclear power station in Somerset, demonstrating the benefits of such a scheme to the local economy.

Steve Carroll, senior supply chain lead at Sizewell C said “It is once again so fantastic to see such a huge variety of businesses, all eager to find out more about the project.  Sizewell C will be a catalyst for the region, and we want to see all businesses, no matter what size or sector, benefit from this project.  Hosting these events with Suffolk Chamber of Commerce always gives me such confidence that the county and the wider region is ready to take on this challenge.”

Ashley Shorey-Mills, head of supply chain engagement at Suffolk Chamber said “When we organise these events, it makes us happy to see so many of the businesses we have been speaking to and ‘zooming’ over the recent months, come together and be so positive about this project.  We are passionate that companies from our region are ready for this opportunity and are eager to get started and take full advantage.”

The outcome for the scheme’s planning application is expected next year.

Image source- Suffolk Chamber of Commerce

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