Councillors in Cherwell district have agreed a housing delivery action plan to speed up residential development.

More than 8,000 homes have been approved in the district but are yet to be built while the authority’s Annual Monitoring Report (AMR) notes that action is required to meet its five-year housing land supply requirements.

Councillors agreed to move forward with the AMR, which includes the action plan, along with approving its Housing Strategy, at its February 3 meeting.

Between 2015 and 2024, the district achieved an annual average of 1,229 new homes although delivery dropped to 805 homes in 2023/24.

Under the Government’s new National Planning Policy Framework, a new standard method for calculating housing need applies and Cherwell’s need has been increased from 706 homes per year to 1,118.

Recent decisions by the Planning Inspectorate mean sites planned to help Oxford’s housing needs must also be factored into an overall assessment of housing land supply. As a result, the district can only demonstrate a forward supply of 2.3 years rather than five years.

Cllr Jean Conway, portfolio holder for planning and development management, said: “With over 8,000 homes with permission and a new Local Plan on the way, it is frustrating that the Government has reintroduced a requirement to continuously demonstrate a five-year housing land supply.

“Despite Cherwell’s track record of delivery, the Government’s changes mean that we return to the days when we must permit more development if housebuilders are unable to deliver at the necessary rate. This comes as we are doing the right thing by advancing a new Local Plan.”

 “Our action plan will bring a renewed focus on sites with planning permission, ensure developers show clear evidence of delivery when submitting plans, and address any barriers slowing construction. This is about delivering the homes our communities need while maintaining sustainable growth.

“We will do all we can to ensure that development happens in the right locations, to a high standard, and with the necessary supporting infrastructure, while protecting our heritage assets and green spaces.”

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