The London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham has agreed to a new Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) for Hammersmith Town Centre at the Cabinet meeting on Monday, July 15 2024.

The document presents an inspiring vision for the town centre, offering several promising decision-making options that could significantly enhance the area.

The proposal that stands out is to remove the Hammersmith Flyover and replace it with an underpass that would also pass under the river. This underpass, along with the new homes, would not only alleviate traffic congestion but also provide a significant boost to the local housing market. The creation of 2,800 new homes, 50 per cent of which would be affordable, is a promising step towards addressing the housing crisis.

Hammersmith is one of the smaller London Boroughs and is leading the way in building affordable housing, with nearly 3,000 units created so far. The 1,400 would be in addition to that figure.

When asked about the plan and the delays to Hammersmith Bridge, it was explained that it had become a political issue rather than a problem that needed solving.

Speaking about the importance of the SPD, Cllr Stephen Cowan, leader of the council, said;

“It’s a serious issue that affects Southwest London.”

Discussing some of the options, the leader emphasized the council’s commitment to making evidence-based decisions through genuine consultation and with clear public scrutiny, ensuring a transparent and fair planning process.

Cllr Cowan’s Message is clear; “ Remain calm and carry on.”

The full Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) for Hammersmith Town Centre can be found here. We encourage you to read the document to gain a comprehensive understanding of the proposed changes and their potential impact.


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