Ealing Council has unanimously approved a mixed-use development, one of three approved in the South Acton Industrial Master Plan area.

The proposal is for the demolition of the existing building and construction of an industrial mixed-used development comprising circa 951 sqm commercial floorspace on the ground and first floor and 51 residential units on upper floors (up to 12 storeys) with associated landscaping, parking and servicing, cycle and refuse storage.

41-49 Stirling Road is a mixed-use development that aims to uplift industrial/commercial floor space, with residential accommodation on the upper floors.

The development will also provide 51 new homes with associated communal gardens, a surrounding public realm, a roof terrace and private amenity space.

The masterplan developed by Hawkins Brown has informed the building and seeks to reconnect the island site with a series of courtyard buildings at varying heights; these are then book-ended by taller point blocks on key corners. This masterplan has been broadly adopted by the Ealing council, who have consented to five buildings across eight plots, leaving four remaining plots to be developed.

The proposal includes an L-shaped building with two cores accessing Stirling Road and Bollo Lane. The southern built form rises to 10 storeys whilst the northern frontage onto Stirling Road is at 12 storeys. The building is connected from levels two to seven, with the 8th and 9th floors providing duplexes off the Bollo Lane core.

The developers are BL 7 Acton Ltd, and the architects are HTA Design.


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