Plans for 302 homes on a site which straddles the Bracknell/Wokingham border look set to gain final approval.

Bracknell Forest Council’s planning committee approved Persimmon Homes’ application to develop a 9.45-hectare site at Amen Corner at its August 17 meeting.

The hybrid application seeks consent for commercial space on 0.95-hectares of the site and homes of up to four bedrooms (25 per cent affordable) on the bulk of the land.

However, a section of open space, planned on the south west of the site, falls within Wokingham borough and its planning committee meets on January 10 to discuss the scheme. Officers have recommended approval.

The officers’ report to the January 10 meeting states: “The public open space would ensure the retention of a gap between settlements, in addition to opening up additional land for public amenity and improving public footpath that runs across the site.”

The development site has long been fought over. In 2004 plans for 700 homes were refused and a 2012 scheme for 550 homes and a neighbourhood centre were voted through, only to come to nothing due to the s106 agreement not being signed.

The current scheme, which dates from 2018, had initially proposed 442 homes.

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