Consultation has commenced for the replacement of the Barnes Hospital by the South West London and St George’s Mental Health NHS Trust.

The proposal is for the demolition of existing structures and redevelopment to provide a special education needs school (Use Class F1(a)) and health centre (Use Class E(e)), with associated refuse facilities, car parking, cycle parking, landscaping and works.

The vision at Barnes is a for a new mixed-use development comprising a mental healthcare facility, a school and residential housing. 

Inpatient services have not been provided at Barnes Hospital since 2013. The site is underused and its condition and design make it unsuitable for developing modern mental health inpatient care. The Trust will be investing £11m to develop a state-of-the-art facility for the delivery of existing adult outpatient mental health services at Barnes Hospital. 

The site had an existing outline planning permission, granted in 2020, for development of the new healthcare and education facilities, together with residential use. The educational facility planned is a Special Educational Needs School. This is led by LocatED, an arms-length body of the Department for Education, and will be operated by the Beckmead Trust. The residential component of the development is being brought forward by LS Estates and a planning application for this part of the development is currently awaiting determination.

Many of the objectors to date are supportive of the new facility but not comfortable with the traffic disruption that the development will create.


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