Three community-focused projects have received a £4.1 million boost in funding from the council’s Strategic Community Infrastructure Levy (SCIL).

Members approved releasing the funds at Cabinet (11 March 2024) to support development at Preston Library, the spine road at Northwick Park and a nursery project at Grove Park Pavilion.

“All three projects are designed to create long-lasting, positive change to local areas for the benefit of the communities that live there.”

Councillor Shama Tatler, cabinet member for Finance, Resources, & Reform and cabinet member for Regeneration, Growth, & Planning, said: “All three projects are designed to create long-lasting, positive change to local areas for the benefit of the communities that live there. The Strategic Community Infrastructure Levy funds to deliver these projects will benefit current and future Brent residents as the borough grows and prospers.”

The Preston Community Library redevelopment has delivered 12 affordable homes and a new community space on the ground floor. The SCIL investment will enable the delivery of a fully equipped space for community groups.

Northwick Park spine road delivers infrastructure that will help support more community facilities and homes. The new spine road promotes active and sustainable travel through a new bus interchange, wide footways on either side of the carriageway, a shared pedestrian and cycle path on the north side of the road, and a wide shared-use footway on Watford Road.

The Grove Park Pavilion in Kingsbury is a two-storey community brick building. The project proposes to refurbish the existing property to provide a modern nursery for residents. Refurbishment works will include new floors, windows, enhanced life-safety equipment, age-appropriate toilets, and welfare facilities.

Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

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