Plans for a new Aldi, up to 75 homes and a care home on land next to Newbury College have been recommended for approval.

West Berkshire Council’s western area planning committee’s Wednesday, March 20 meeting will consider the application by NCII which seeks full planning permission for the 18,000 sq m store and outline consent for the homes and 70-bed care home, which will include a 20-bed hospice.

Three blocks, the application proposes, will contain 30 one-bedroom flats and 12 two-bedroom units, while the houses will comprise three with two bedrooms, 18 with three and 12 with four.

The application has been updated several times and the number of homes has been reduced from 85. The site is owned by the college but deemed to be surplus. Once the scheme is approved, the land will be transferred to NCII. However approval is subject to a s106 agreement or a unilateral undertaking being signed.

A handful of objections have been submitted including from Tesco, which has a store nearby, and on behalf of Bloor Homes and the Sandleford Farm Partnership.

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