Brent Council approved a proposal for a new pavilion at the meeting of the 14th October 2020. The pavilion had been created as a community asset with the Wembley Educational Charitable Trust Ltd back in 2016.

The proposal is for the demolition of existing pavilion building and reinstatement of green space; construction of a part 2 and part 3 storey sports and recreation centre with ground floor office and reception area; reconfiguration of the existing car park and associated soft landscaping, to provide sporting facilities for local school, community and football club (Forest United) The proposed development does not accord with the provisions of the development plan in force in the area as it seeks to develop land protected as open space within Brent’s Core Strategy policy CP18.

The proposed sports hall building will predominantly provide sporting facilities for a local school, Lycée International de Londres Winston Churchill but is also proposed to be open for the use of the community and as a club space for a local football club, Forest United. The proposed sports hall is partly located within the existing car park to the south, and associated alterations are proposed within the car park.


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